TEMPy.protein.scoring_functions +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TEMPy has a range of functions to assess the similarity between a range of data types. TEMPy's scoring functions have diverse applicability and can be used to assess the similarity between two cryo EM maps, between a model (e.g. from a pdb file) and a cryo EM map or between two models. All map to map scores can also be used to score models in maps, after a simulated map has been calculated using the :class:`StructureBlurrer ` class. Additionally, TEMPy has local scoring functions (e.g. SMOC), that score only a portion of the input data at a time, for example producing a unique score for each residue in a protein, in addition to global scoring functions that average across the whole input map or model. Global Scores ====== TEMPy scoring functions to assess the overall agreements between two data types include: .. currentmodule:: TEMPy.protein. .. automodule:: TEMPy.protein .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: scoring_functions.CCC scoring_functions.laplace_CCC scoring_functions.LSF scoring_functions.get_partial_DLSF scoring_functions.MI_new scoring_functions.calculate_overlap_scores scoring_functions.envelope_score_map scoring_functions.normal_vector_score scoring_functions.envelope_score scoring_functions.map_model_fsc_resolution scoring_functions.map_model_fsc scoring_functions.map_resolution_FSC scoring_functions.calculate_alcps scoring_functions.get_log10_alcps scoring_functions.get_sm_score Segment Scores =============== There are also scoring functions to assess the fit of models at the level of segments. These segments are generally multiple .. currentmodule:: TEMPy.protein. .. automodule:: TEMPy.protein .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: scoring_functions.SCCC scoring_functions.SCCC_MI scoring_functions.SCCC_LAP scoring_functions.FastSCCC Residue Scores =============== Finally, there are also scoring functions for assessing model fit at the level of single residues. These scores include: .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: scoring_functions.FastSMOC scoring_functions.ScoringFunctions.SMOC scoring_functions.LoQFit scoring_functions.LocalMI